Current Fitness Program

I am just starting into my 3rd week of Body Beast and LOVIN IT!!!

The change that I'm noticing in my body is amazing!!!! Today, I actually reached into my closet and grabbed a pair of pants to wear put them on and I didn't need to change into anything else!!! Can you believe it??? That is probably the most discouraging thing we go thru as human beings. We don't want to settle we want to feel good! When we get dressed that is what should happen...We should feel beautiful, sexy, happy.

I want to share with you my tips and tricks to eating delicious food...NOT DIET FOOD and ALOT of it. Seriously!! Check out this weeks meal plan below. I know this goes beyond everything you have experienced in the past but seriously follow me, let me teach you the tips and tricks to dropping those extra pounds once and for all!! I have been there, in your shoes and it is a frustrating place. Trying to refrain from eating this or that and doing well all day and then totally undoing everything the moment you get home. PLEASE....DON'T waste another day of this yo yo dieting!!

If you're interested in taking this journey with me...message or follow me on facebook 



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