Love Yourself

“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh
Loving ourselves isn’t a one time event. It’s an endless, ongoing process.
It begins with you, enfolding yourself in your own affection and appreciation~
1. Begin your day with love...not technology
Before your even get out of bed each morning breathe love! Remind yourself you are worthy.
2. Take time to meditate
Take 10-15 minutes each day use meditation to reduce stress, calm your nervous system, lower blood pressure and boost your immune system.
3. Talk yourself happy
Use affirmations and train your mind to become more positive.
4. Get emotionally honest
Deal with your feelings. Stop avoiding pain, sadness and discomfort by shopping, eating and drinking. Mindfully breathe your way through feelings and emotions.
5. Expand your interests
Get out of that comfort zone and try something new. Go somewhere you've never been. Do something that scares the hell out of you. You deserve an awesome life.
6. Enhance your life with activities
Find a form of exercise you like. Discover healthy foods. Do things that make you feel alive.
7. Become willing to surrender
Breathe, relax and let it go! Give up control of your life to an energy that will guide you. Surrender to the energy of love and let yourself be lived by It.
8. Work on personal and spiritual development
Life is a journey be willing to surrender and grow. We are here to learn and love on a deeper level. Personal change involves being more open and creative.
9. Own your potential
Love yourself enough to be confident and believe in your own self worth and achieve your potential.
10. Be patient with yourself
Be patient with yourself. You are growing stronger each and everyday. The weight of the world will become lighter and you will begin to shine brighter. Don't give up ~ Robert Tew
11. Live in appreciation
A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset. Be grateful for all that you have. Be in love with your life...every minute of it!
12. Be guided by your intuition
Relax and listen to your intuition. All answers come from within. Watch for signs and pay attention to your gut instincts.
13. Do what honors and respects you
Participate in activities that are uplifting to you. Let go of the negative, toxic people in your life.
14. Accept uncertainty
Without uncertainty we wouldn't grow because we would never be pushed beyond our comfort zone. Listen to your heart and know that it will be ok even if you don't have all the answers right now.
15. Forgive yourself
Forgiving yourself is the first step in loving yourself so learn from your mistakes and move forward.
16. Discover the power of fun
Enjoy all the blessings God has given us. Self-love requires time to relax, play and create face to face interaction with others.
17. Be real
We were born to be real not perfect!! Speak up, speak out and allow yourself to be seen and heard.
18. Focus on the positive
Train your mind to see positive in every situation. Think positive and positive things will happen.
19. Become aware of self neglect and rejection
Think of rejection as being redirected to something better heart emoticon
20. Imagine what your life would look like if you believed in your worth
Don't settle for anything less than wonderful because you deserve so much more!
21. Love yourself NOW!
Don’t wait until you get well, lose the weight, get a new job or find the new relationship. Believe in your worth and imagine what your life would look like. Dedicate this life to loving yourself!!


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