BBQ Chicken Pizza

Pens are playing tonight and immediately I think pizza!!!!
Not just your regular cheese pizza either...we are going BIG...BBQ Chicken!!! Yum!!

 So I know your thinking that your trying to fit into your skinny jeans! That's can still have pizza!!  Seriously!!!
I love to use whole wheat pita's for my base...portion control.  Start with cooked chopped chicken breast and warm in a skillet with G. Hughes sugar free, gluten free BBQ Sauce to your liking then you will place sufficient amount of chicken mixture on the pita and sprinkle with part skim mozzarella cheese, red peppers and red onion.  Bake at 450 for about 5-10 minutes, if you like the top brown you can place under broil for a min or 2 before removing.  Cut into 4 pieces and serve!
There are a few things I can do without but PIZZA will never be!!!
21 day fix, angela kalp, pizza, bbq pizza, clean recipes, beachbody coach, weightloss


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